Contact us

Do you have a question for us?

Would you like to request time to speak at our next member meeting?

Do you have an idea for an event?

Contact us here or email and we’ll respond as soon as possible.



What is the board member selection process?

When a position becomes vacant on the Board, members will nominate and vote on an individual to replace the person who left within 2 months.

When a board member’s term ends, members will have the opportunity to nominate new representatives in January with elections held in February.

can i share my project/development at a drma meeting?

Yes! If you are interested in sharing about a specific project during a Dickerson Road Merchants Association meeting, please complete this form at least one month in advance of the scheduled meeting and we will let you know within 2 weeks of the meeting if we can include you on the agenda. This opportunity is for the sole purpose of informing DRMA members of upcoming meetings, events, and proposals in the corridor, not for discussing or debating ideas.

How can I SUpport DRMA?

There are a variety of ways to support DRMA. You can volunteer, make a donation, sponsor an event, and more! Email us at more for information.

how much does it cost to be a member of drma?

We have three different membership levels based on your organization type: Businesses, Nonprofits, and Residents. Click here to learn more about our membership benefits and dues amounts.